Norten Notes

Does Your Business Need a Checkup?

Is your business operating at peak performance? It’s always good to establish a baseline on how you’re performing by using a business diagnostic tool. This will help identify where you need to focus to make improvements and measure your progress. This is similar to managing your personal health. When you visit your health care provider, […]

SWOT 101

How to Identify and Use Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to Your Advantage Whether you’re starting a new business or operating an existing company, a SWOT Analysis is an incredibly simple, yet powerful tool to help you develop your business strategy. This framework is used to evaluate a company’s competitive position and to develop […]

What’s a Performance Management Process and Why Your Company Needs It

The performance management process is a collaborative, communication-based process where employees and management work together to plan, monitor and review the employee’s short and long-term goals, job trajectory and comprehensive contribution to the company. This process is continuous, with regular sessions where both management and employees have the opportunity to give and receive feedback. Employers […]

Planning for Success in 2022

Planning comes in many different varieties and today we’re going to review the steps to develop your Annual Plan. A quote from Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”, characterizes why planning is so important. Often, we loosely kick around ideas without going through the planning process and at the end […]

What Are Your Core Values?

And Why Are They So Important? When leaders bring up the topic of core values in their organization, it’s usually followed by a deafening silence from the rest of their team, like you can hear crickets chirping type of silence. Why is this? Do teams not understand what they are? Are they those soft, squishy […]

How to Identify Your Key Focus

Determining what you do best helps you identify and filter opportunities where you have the best chance of success. This is called your Key Focus. Let’s start with a metaphor and then drill down deeper on this topic. I think of your Key Focus as your “sweet spot” like in golf or baseball. When you […]

Start With the End In Mind

Every business owner needs to clearly identify what they want from their business. This can be challenging because, if we’re honest, some people don’t know how to answer this question. I’m not saying everyone has this issue, but you’d be surprised how many business owners struggle with their answer to this question. That’s why they […]

Is Your Business Stuck?

Many small business owners have challenges and don’t know how to break through the countless bottlenecks to improve their performance and achieve their goals. Too often they’re focused on working in their business instead of working on their business. They get pulled into the weeds putting out daily fires. They should be spending their valuable […]