Looking for Ideas to Grow Your Small Business?

Peak Results Business Operating System for ideas to grow your business

Growing your business is hard, especially during the challenging times we face in today’s market. What can business owners do to grow and improve their results? Most start with increasing their marketing spending or adding to their sales force. While these may be helpful, they typically fail. It’s like shooting and hoping to hit a target that doesn’t exist.

Ideas to Grow Your Small Business

The following are ideas on where to start to improve your probability of success:

  • If you don’t have a Business Operating System, implement one as soon as possible. The graphic above describes the Peak Results Approach which includes the following components:
    • Vision
    • Planning
    • People
    • Processes
    • Execution
  • Analyze your products and services to see if they are solving your customers’ problems.
    • Start by identifying your target customers and what problems they face.
    • Determine if your offering helps solve their problem.
    • Describe how your products are the solution to their problems.
    • Demonstrate the positive results your customers will experience when they purchase your solution.
  • With your target customer identified along with the problem, solution and results in hand, develop a marketing strategy to identify new customers who have the same problem.
    • Identify where to reach them and demonstrate how your solution solves their problem.
    • Focus your sales efforts on prospective customers who need your solution to solve their problems.
  • Develop goals and measure your results to make sure you’re successful.
    • Create SMART goals and action items for your business.
    • Cascade these business goals to teams, locations or individuals.
    • Develop a scorecard with key performance indicators (KPI) to track your progress and use the data to make course corrections if needed.
    • Hold your team accountable for achieving the goals you establish for your business.
  • Measure your results, especially growth, profitability, customer satisfaction and employee engagement.
    • Are you delighting your customers?
    • Do you generate a profit for the business?
    • Are your employees happy and engaged?

Your Business Operating System is the tool to ensure you get the results you want from your business.

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To learn more about how to improve your results, reach out to Norten Consulting or check out our latest book available on Amazon.

Norten Consulting Peak Results Book