Does Your Business Need a Checkup?

Is your business operating at peak performance? It’s always good to establish a baseline on how you’re performing by using a business diagnostic tool. This will help identify where you need to focus to make improvements and measure your progress. This is similar to managing your personal health. When you visit your health care provider, they take your vital signs such as blood pressure, weight and pulse. Then the doctor compares these to your previous results to see if there are any changes, which could indicate a problem. The same holds true for your business.

The Peak Results Business Checkup

Norten Consulting’s Peak Results Business Checkup is a business diagnostic tool that measures how you’re performing in each component of our Peak Results framework. This consists of several questions regarding strategy, planning, people, processes, execution and results that you can rank from 1 to 5, 1 being low or poor performance and 5 being great performance.  The key is not overthinking your response…there are no right or wrong answers.

When you complete the Business Checkup, you’ll receive a graphic summary of your results. Check out the following example.

Business Diagnostic Tool

What do these results indicate?

  • Strategy and planning look okay but may need a little improvement especially in marketing.
  • The business looks solid when it comes to having the right people and organization structure in place.
  • It seems like your processes need help. You many need to work on identifying, improving and documenting your key processes.
  • Execution looks okay but perhaps you need to work on using data and KPIs to keep track of your performance.
  • Your results need some help. You don’t seem to be satisfied with your performance.

Armed with this information from your Business Checkup, now you can develop a plan to improve using the Peak Results framework.

Want a free Business Checkup for your business? Go to Business Checkup and click the button to start. If you want help, contact us for a free 30-minute consultation to help you get the results you want from your business.