Business Coaching Session on Zoom

Our Business Coaching Program

Cerwin Homes Planning Session Exercise

The Norten Consulting Business Coaching process consists of the following steps:

  • Conduct an initial Discovery Call to identify where your business needs to improve.
  • Develop a Coaching Plan with actions, deliverables and milestones.
  • Meet twice a month via Zoom to work the Peak Results Playbook. This includes reviewing your goals, scorecards and action items, along with discussing other issues you may be facing in your business.
  • Conduct Quarterly Reviews to track your progress and develop new goals each quarter.
  • Create an Annual Plan with Goals and Strategies each year.

Before You Get Started

  • Are you open to listening, learning and applying new techniques to improve your business?
  • Can you focus and be disciplined to work on your business?
  • Will you be able to let go of old, unproductive habits and beliefs to improve your business?
  • Can you personally embrace change?
  • Are you committed to doing the work to improve your business?