Author: Norten Consulting

Want to Improve Your Results in 2024?

Are you achieving the results you want from your business? Annual Planning can help you establish goals to get you and your team focused and drive accountability to achieve the results you’re looking for from your business. The Annual Planning process is not complicated and done properly, unleashes a mix of creativity, teamwork and discipline. […]

Leading During Uncertain Times

What Great Leaders Do During Troubling Times Just about everywhere you turn, there’s nothing but bad news. The U.S. economy, the Ukrainian war with Russia, and the COVID-19 pandemic are just a few examples. This creates anxiety about the future for our employees and customers. Let’s discuss the topic of leading during uncertain times. As […]

Five Tips to Improve Coaching Conversations

Coaching is a critical skill for leaders but many struggle with how to have these conversations with employees. The benefits of having meaningful conversations are improved employee performance, increased engagement and decreased turnover. In fact, a recent Metrix Global study found that 93% of companies reported significantly less turnover when they offered coaching to employees. […]

Five Steps to Improve Accountability

Do you struggle with accountability in your organization? Many of my clients want to improve accountability by don’t know where to start. To me, accountability means taking responsibility for your actions, behaviors, performance and decisions at work. I like the quote “Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the results.” by Bob Proctor best […]

Looking for Ideas to Grow Your Small Business?

Growing your business is hard, especially during the challenging times we face in today’s market. What can business owners do to grow and improve their results? Most start with increasing their marketing spending or adding to their sales force. While these may be helpful, they typically fail. It’s like shooting and hoping to hit a […]

Are Your People Engaged?

Employee Satisfaction Doesn’t Always Equal Engagement Most companies think of employee satisfaction as an important goal to keep employees happy. GALLUP® looks at this differently and introduced the concept of Employee Engagement which they define as “the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace.” Measuring employee engagement helps you understand if your […]

Are You Keeping Score?

I love Warren Buffet’s quote “If you don’t know the score, you can’t tell the winners from the losers.” We all know to watch the scoreboard at a basketball game to see which team is winning. Like sports, a Business Scorecard has become a popular tool to track activities and performance throughout organizations. Traditionally, Business […]