Zoom Business Coaching Session with Norten Consulting to Achieve the Results you want.

Business Coaching

Norten Consulting offers expert coaching to help business owners like you gain clarity and focus, take control of your business, and achieve the results you want.

Not Achieving the Results You Want from Your Business?

  • Frustrated with Results
  • Unclear Direction
  • Poor Financial Performance
  • Working Too Many Hours

Four Ways Norten Consulting Helps You Achieve the Results You Want

Free Articles

We share tips and best practices for your business in weekly articles to keep you up to speed. You can sign up below.

Weekly articles on business best practices to achieve the results you want.

On-Demand Courses

We offer on-demand courses online to teach you best practices using proven techniques and tools. Annual Planning for Success is available now on Udemy.

Online Course Annual Planning for Success to help you achieve the results you want.

Peak Results Book

The Guide to Achieving Peak Results for Your Business is a step-by-step playbook to help you run your business more effectively available on Amazon.com.

Business Coaching

One-on-one Business Coaching using the Peak Results Playbook via scheduled online Zoom sessions customized to meet your needs.

Len on a Zoom Coaching Call helping clients achieve the results they want.

Your Business Coach

Len Norten Business Coach helping you achieve the results you want.

Hi! I’m Len Norten, an accomplished Business Coach and Author of The Guide to Achieving Peak Results for Your Business. I coach business owners to help them significantly improve their results.

For more than 40 years I’ve worked with over 100 companies and dozens of clients improving their performance. As a former Fortune 500 executive, owner of several businesses, college professor, and now business coach since 2018, I’ve lived through many of the challenges business owners face today.

Business Coaching Using the Peak Results Playbook

Norten Consulting developed Peak Results as a planning and management framework. Think of it as a playbook to operate your business more effectively. It’s more than goals and a budget.

It starts with your Purpose and includes Planning, People, Processes, and the most important component, Execution. It also includes tools to measure performance and drive accountability to achieve the results you want from your business.

Norten Consulting has implemented this framework with dozens of clients generating amazing results. Contact us to schedule a free Discovery Call to see if we can help you.

What Clients Say